Where we come from and where we've been...

We're Corey and Megan. Both of us have grown up in northern Michigan. We have always had an unspoken mutual passion for the world, and in the meantime have spent a lot of time outdoors finding corners of beauty and adventure around our home towns. Corey lived in Ghana through a program from NMU and did some solo traveling around West Africa (he shrugs off his experience having Malaria and proceeds to tell of the incredible people and places he experienced instead). He graduated about a week ago with a Bachelors in International Studies with a minor in Business, like myself, he doesn't have a specific plan of what that might bring him (what college graduate does anyways?). I must admit, we are idealistic young 20-something-year-olds and we have big dreams of changing the world. An idea we share is that of finding a small community to live in for a while and work with to help them gain opportunity and live a more hopeful life. Perhaps to go from being impoverished to living in a state where they are sustainable both economically and agriculturally...we really don't know. The point is we love, like many in this world, to devote to something so much larger than our own needs.

To sacrifice a little comfort and see what you can gain.

I have lived in Thailand, Peru and on a sailboat traveling to the Caribbean. In Thailand, my family visited me for a month and instead of filling ourselves up with sightseeing and tourist attractions, we found an organization and were able to go with a team of Doctors and nurses to a Burmese refugee camp for just under a week. This changed our lives. My life plans changed and so...a week ago I too graduated with a Bachelors in International Studies and Spanish. I hope to go back and spend some time in that same refugee camp, and if not there, definitely a refugee camp of somewhere in the world. Everyone deserves hope.

Thus, we see where our paths might lead us. And it all started a week ago, when our commitments to student-hood ended, and the freedom to decide became our full-time reality.    


afan said…
Corey & Megan,
Your dreams are impressive. I believe, for now, I will choose to live vicariously through your journey. It will be interesting to see where you end up and what you're doing. What is great, is that you see that most of the world's needs are so much greater than your own. Keep that pure love for others, in your hearts.