Introspection Makes Beautiful Things

Dear readers,

The months past have been a beautiful spectrum of rooted introspection.  Please excuse the quiet and much needed absence. 

The following quote may send a simple smiling summary to those intrigued to continue in following our westernization transition travel blabber blogging:
 "There is a time to speak and a time not to speak...and happy is the man whose wife can discern between the two. 

Not only is the man happy but I believe my acquaintance community is included.  Born with a tongue very adept in the speaking department, I have always fully grasped the urge to summarize myself in a matter of minutes within the first exchange of pleasantries with new faces.  BUT for once, I have been gleefully given a community that isn't about to disappear in a few months due to my own desires in self-uprooting in order to keep moving with the next whimsical wisp of wind.  

Therefore, I learn, the time not to speak.  

Silence and roots.  

Music is the driving passion through all this 'radiant rootedness.'  Stay tuned...

Corey and I stretch out on sofas this evening.  It's packing day in the Engelhart household.  We are moving from a home absolutely sardine packed full of someone else's belongings (a great financial deal on house sitting regardless) and into our very own little empty nook nest this week.  

We will be there a year.  Woah.

Maybe even two.   Double woah.

Are you ready?  Life is only just starting to get interesting.  Hope you hold tight. 

Still seeing in orange, Yours truly,


Yermom E said…
Wonder is not always found on foreign land. As you settle into your first real (landlocked) home, I pray for new depths of wonder and joy. Home is where the heart is...especially the heart of God. Love you!!!!!! Yermom E
Afan said…
A time to speak, and time not to speak... Yes, a lesson good for all of us to learn. Wishing you both the best as you settle in to your new home!
Mom D
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