Where is the Somewhere Over the Rainbow?

We all know the nostalgic tune about high skies and lullaby dreams.  Most of us probably relate that to our own little subjective perspective of heaven, as some distant happy feel-good story found exclusively in day and night dreams.

On another angle, it could always sneak up on you one Sunday morning and absolutely wrap its gracious and receiving arms around you. Making your armpits sweat and your heart thump with sheer amazement.  

So to begin on a life changing experience:

One Sunday morning, I am enjoying the lack of 'religious' obligation {I'm talking freedom to BE the church if you get my lingo...] and the abundance of banana pancakes with my "are we having a lazy day?" husband.  Due to this rare circumstance, it just so happened that I answered an 11:30am call.  A great friend of mine, Katelynn: a hip poet with great rhythmic style and flair, just happens to casually let me know she's leaving for a week-long-trip to Florida in a few hours.  Basically her words to me were as follows:

"Want to come?"

My spontaneous travel/adrenaline side kicked into immediate gear.  As well as my mad (somewhat) minimalist packing abilities.  There was hardly a moment to consider, especially with the reaffirming "Why not, you're young.  Live life." from my Mr.

So that was it. 

Katelynn and I hit the road 3 hours later, like excited giddy females, right into the center of the oncoming storm mass.  Whatever, we knew we'd drive with caution and felt it was the right time to depart.  Despite the sheer ice roads (literally, I could have ice skated on them at one point) .......and running gracefully through a red light ..........and spinning 180 degrees out of control ............amazed that all the cars behind us had enough time to stop........we continued on a little shaken but still stirred from the exhilaration of the upcoming trip.  We breathed sighs of relief and took a much slower rate of caution while we proceeded South...knowing that the roads DO get better as one leaves da UP.  (PS. do not take my now casual manner of speaking as blowing it off as a nonchalant rhythm of the trip, I realize now, am no longer an invincible teenager and was very, very, very, very cautious with a stiff neck, two hands on the wheel, and wide eyes until we made it to Chicago that night. Respect parents=respect the weather)  ((PPS. This whole little event took place in mid-February just in case you wondered for those kind of details, the ones I usually find irrelevant and dry.))

Oh yeah.  Chicago.  That's the reason why we were going to Florida by the way.  So, there's this intentional community called 'Jesus People' [check 'em out: http://jpusa.org/] and something like a thousand-ISH people live in this huge building together and in exchange for community/food/living quarters, they (the ones living there) work in ministries that Jesus People (aka Jpusa ) has going in the city.   Katelynn was connected with them, and one of the things they do is, take ministry teams to the.........


Basically, the Rainbow Gathering is a coming together of many people.  You might call these people nomads, hippies, street kids, homeless, rebels, wanderers....or those that seek a "coming home" from a world all to focused on materialism rather than the 'internalized' spiritual spheres....or those that feel disconnected from the 'mean' world looking for family....or those that like parties....or those that like camping and interesting people.......there is no formula.  It just is what it is.  Thousands of people in the woods camping, telling everyone that arrives "Welcome Home" and constantly sharing 'the love.'  Where no money is exchanged and everything is virtually shared. 

Jpusa/Jesus People, traveled down there to join with some other ministry teams, set up a camp together called "Jesus Kitchen" and the "point" was to serve food three times a day to all who came in.  And to genuinely and truly love on them.  Many, many, many........many people have been hurt by the "church."  You all know, the one that is all talk and no demonstration.   So we were there to be ourselves, with our hurts and dirts just like the rest of the "humans" in the world and to share our stories and listen to theirs.

Home here was a humble abode.  Of lean-to tarps and material formed into invented shapes to keep the rain off your head.  The aesthetics were what they were, what you might expect in the heart of Ocala National Forest (FL), especially for one leaving a snowy/rainy/dark Michigan winter. However, for one who has done much traveling and has feasted her eyes on a lot beautiful sights of the wide world , in this place, I looked not at the trees.

At this point, I may get figurative with my speech...

There were hearts everywhere.  Hearts that people wore on their chests and their sleeves.  Here, I found not much armor between one heart and another.  You could say this was for the best or for the worst. 

One moment I found emerging from me, the unrehearsed heart-song of mine to a virtually unknown crowd,

Then in the next, exchanging pleasantries and "where froms" with those seated around the fire.

A moment could bring circular conversations looking past the dazed eyes of a spiritual-seeking world explorer,

Or crying and praying with one that overcame meth and recent thoughts of death.

The times that brought the flow of people into our camp were the meal times, when people would bring their container lids, palm leaves or plates to eat off of.  In those moments, I would see the hearts.  Like a spectrum of colors and shapes.  Those of peace and interest, to despair and distant....in one long endless line of human beauty.  Regardless of seeing the hearts of others though-in this short time-even more, I saw my own heart emerge. 

A man named "Truth" gave me the 'rainbow name' of "Sponta."  For the spontaneity in which I live, breathe and have my being.  That which brought me there and that which shared the only gift I had to give.  A freedom that breaks through the surfaces and armors and floods places with it's desire to bring others into it. Turing armors into amor one might say.   

With great respect to the readers position, I promise not to dwell too long on this next part. However, to not include it would be contrary to my nature.

 I saw with my own eyes of my heart, those unaccustomed to ever experiencing a comfortable setting with a bunch of...yes...Christians.....speak with amazement at the warmth, embrace, love, peace, and generosity that emerged from Jesus camp.  Many proclaimed "I LOVE JESUS CAMP!" again and again, saying it was the best part of Rainbow Gathering.  My insides flooded with grace to hear any degree of "I love Jesus" coming from those that truly admitted to be lost wanderers...even if the word 'camp' was attached at the end.  

I saw a man tell the story of Genesis to Revelation with tears in his eyes and poetry in his lyric...that absolutely took the breath out of the atmosphere. 

 I saw a dozens absorbed in versions of "Amazing Grace" and an impromptu song about "Unity in Christ alone" that flew out of my own little freedom abode, longing for hearts to land upon to touch with love's warmth and rhythm. [A man came to me and said my singing shook him up inside...and that he knew he needed to return to Jesus in that very moment...as he had swung very far away in his life].  I saw the atmosphere literally change before my eyes as I joined in a circle in another camp of music-jamming [...their eyes spun heavily, and I saw that their inspiration for these tunes was inspired by external substances...if you know what I mean.  As I began to sing, everyone around the camp was drawn into the new presence within the atmosphere.  A girl from Jesus Camp with me began to dance in the field next to us, when two or more are gathered in Him.....the atmosphere changes...I saw that!]

I saw those that spoke with 'hatred' towards Jesus, return day after day, to our camp to partake in the fellowship of mealtime together.  

I saw others close their eyes in morning prayer and meditation with us.  And others that just came and sat, because of the sanctuary of peace felt in the land of our camp.

Truly, I feel, because we believe what we say and we do what we believe.  Because we are a family, and they are our brothers and sisters.  
The family: Jesus People, Source Ministry, Jesus Kitchen

So in all of this I say, this little [unexpected!] moment on the time scale of my life, changed me.  I saw a bunch of "Bible-thumpin radical Christians"......actually living out what they proclaim to believe.  With a mighty silent force.  With a quiet peace.  Without even using words, without needing to prove anything to anyone.  Continue day after day in this dusty damp little camp, loving upon the spectrum of hearts that came seeking peace. 

I learned a few things.

I am unrehearsed.  I am human.  I am God's beloved daughter sent into the world to shift atmospheres with the spontaneous sounds of freedom formed within me.

In that, I saw, for the first time ever, a complete and functioning picture of the body of Christ. And that truly, in itself...IS the place over the rainbow we all dream of experiencing.

Thanks for listening,


Mom E said…
Once again you've brought us deeply into a moment of your life with dimensions beyond just a few words. A world bigger than you, and yet, you made it even bigger. God is so amazing.I love that He uses your unique passion, and wonder,to reveal His very heart to others. Jesus is making you more and more beautiful everyday and, in that, revealing His desperate love for everyone around you. I'm so proud of you and glad that my son was smart enough to travel through a precious friendship to being your husband...I love you both beyond words. Mom E
Afan said…
Great prose, great journey, great heart! I love how you see the best in all people!
Mom D
Wow. That was absolutely beautiful. I think a lot of us, who question everything that materialism, consumerism, and modern society try to feed us, also question organized religion. However, we do need to realize that we still need spirituality, we desperately need community, and that the journeys of our souls are the most important journeys we embark upon.

Thank you for sharing.