Internal and Eternal

There was a time when my internal peace depended on my external circumstances. 
When I sought to move my body from location to location, even just for quick glances.

Faith produced something stronger that can support more,
Only through an internal Spirit and an eternal God, have I traversed through that door,

Life is more than living in beautiful settings and doing wonderful things,
but preparing your Spirit and the lives around you for higher callings,

No longer am I bound by a mortal life,
Paradise is hoped for and believed in, for the eternal life,

It truly is a place and a journey, more than all the others combined,
I am astonished and amazed to share this part of the journey of mine.


PS.  On more of a literal, or I should say, physical side.  I am happy and pleased and expecting surprise to say that Corey and I have been blessed with the proper times for employment and unemployment. 

How, you ask?

For a time, Corey ended the semester from being a full time student with a part time job and I ended a season of being a full time housewife and  a part time massage therapist.  I worked for a couple of months full time at a greenhouse while Corey delightfully stepped into a (then) supported world of unemployment.

Basically we "reversed roles" for a short season.  I delightfully and patiently endured a new experience of the full-time work world and despite all challenges (challenges meaning: how to deal with food and dishes and laundry and all the household balances when your time has been condensed into a mere one or two hours to spare), I have never felt that my life was more stable.  Now that the work season has ended for myself, we both have the unusual but decided short season of unemployment.  Meaning that, we have decided to not be bound by fears of not always having income flow.  Because we are young and in love and so far yet without responsibility that would hinder a pick-up-and-go sort of lifestyle, we are planning to board Zephyrus for an adventure soon.

Thanks for joining us.  May the journeys always continue! 


One is never closer to God, then when one is dancing with the wind. ;-)

I am so happy that you're launching this year. Take a tack for us, OK? We've decided not to launch, as there will be boats on Galveston Bay. I can't wait to get my hands one one (preferably with a center cockpit, so the little one can have her own room!).
Afan said…
Yes! Enjoy the freedom while you are young and unattached to many other commitments. These adventure treasures shall be stored for years to come!!
Mom D