Knot Funny

As our home resides upon the water, we have the tendency to spend a lot of time on docks, where other boats reside.  In so doing, we have happened to notice the ridiculous ways some boaters can find to make their knots the most complicated mess possible.

I will begin by showing you ours, which is by the way, THE proper (some say and only) way to tie a dock line.  (The chain at the end is just for looks, notice the cleat is what I am referring to as far the purpose of this post goes.)

Now, may I present to you, those which are KNOT FUNNY!

Presenting the: Security comes in many, many forms

Presenting the: Whaaa.....t

Presenting the: Two birds with one throw

Presenting the: Spontaneous hold: will it or will it knot?

Presenting the: Black serpent death grip

Presenting the: Out of place, out of space

Presenting the: I like Symmetry and Snugness 

Presenting the: I give up, I can't do it anymore.

Presenting the: Really confused attempt: must copy the other confused knot

Presenting the: Ready for heavy blow, but no quick goes

Presenting the: Lasso attempt: catch the snake

Presenting the: Almost remembered

Presenting the: Simple kind of man

And finally...

Presenting the: Large and in Barge



Mom/berta said…
Too funny!!!!!!!! :-) Nice glimpse into to the knot familiar area of docking!!! xoxo Mom/berta
Afan said…
Oh, aren't you just too funny?!! Yup, you had me laughing too!
Mom D