Reminiscent of Riding upon the Smooth of Sailing

As we settle into the continued lingering attempts at a Northern Michigan summer, it is intriguing how the tiny pieces of good remembered from a journey can strike such warm chords of nostalgia.

In that, there was one day in particular that sailing lived up to its stereotype.  I was enthralled by the particular synchronization of a certain song with the movement of a perfect downwind sail that remained perfect for hours upon hours.  In that, I recorded a video of the sights and movements that a typical 7 hour travel day might entail, given that the weather is agreeable.

So, for you wonderful vicarious readers, I invite you to a 7 minute piece of what was then a 7 hour day, of calmness, rocking, and gliding upon the crests of sparkling waters, while in perfect unison of a song entitled "Riding the Waves" by John Belt and Rick van Patten.

Sit back and inhale the fresh salt-less breeze while you feel the tickling warmth of a bright July sun above, and grasp what you can of the powerful majesty of harnessing the wind...
