Moving To a Runners Pace

I sit on the first of many Mondays-to-come to focus in on outlining the book I will write.

Before my whole brain can do that, I have a need for closure on the past months before I can move into the next.

And may this blog be brief and sweet.

I turned 25.  On the eve of my birthday, it dawned on me how ridiculous it is to live life in any way besides with a definitive end to it in mind.  I do not mean this in the negative sense of that, but in the "seize the day" part of us we so often neglect for reasons such as other people's perception of us, for immediate tasks at hand, and of course, practically, for the tiresome nature that it requires to live every single moment with every single kind of intention at hand.  Yet, no-less, my word and hope this year is to embrace the un-cropped version of the serenity prayer:

Grant me the Serenity to accept that which I cannot change, 
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference,
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at at time,

Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will,
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely Happy with You forever in the next.

Now, to apply this definitely idealistic approach to life, there are some practical solutions that have arrived and presented themselves as opportunities.

One, is a woman with a terminal illness that has offered to be a friend, partner, and editor for a book she believes I have within me and must write.  The time is short, and I must write like I'm not afraid if the world sees my.complete.story.  Stay tuned.

Two, is an equipping of the full scope of the Truth that guides my life.  I will be immersing myself in a course of Systematic Theology (of the Bible). This will be 9 months of complete immersion which includes a piece of hefty literature half the size of my torso, all in the context of an amazing community of support and womanhood.

Three, is another equipping of a different sort.  It is Natural Family Planning, and my hope is to become a vocal support and advocate of what it is and what it isn't, to this generation of health and self-seekers.  Since I am not so young as to think I could succeed in effectively bringing this education to others as a lone-star-wanderer, I will be trained and educated underneath the blanket of one of the largest educators of this incredible, incredible, thing that very few know even exists. (and perhaps if they do, they know not the validity, benefits, effectiveness, and simplicity of such a thing!)

So among these three incredible opportunities to certainly grow my brain, stretch my comforts, and interact with a diverse humanity and an awesome God...I intend to stop living under the expectation that I have 80 more years to fulfill everything, and start living in such a way and approaching things with such mental quality, that if my life were to cease from moving forward on the earthly side--I would know I ran through it, and didn't merely sleep my days into numbness and mundane fuzzy brain syndrome.

I'm going to fast Facebook on weekdays.

I'm going to sing my heart out worshipfully and surrendered when I mess up and get frustrated at my own human limits and laziness. (Cos, oh yeah is it gonna happen!...and already has)

I'm going to give into the spontaneous urges to call (BRING BACK THE TELEPHONE!) and write to friends, and interact more with strangers.  There are moments we pass by daily that bring so much richness to the ordinary parts of our days. Why? Cos we're afraid of dumb fabrications of our mind, that's all.

I'm going to keep making DONE lists, and be content with the days content.  No more "if-onlys" allowed in this-here brain-vocabulary.

I'm going to let the ebbs and flows of a messy house be as they are, so that I may continue growing in being a quality momma and wife to the primary call of my life at this present time.

While I root my core being in God's complete Truth the goal is that I may not miss a thing by my own sinful natures blindness, that I may grasp His hand upon my life, and grasp it firmly and freakin' RUN WITH IT!

And, to add some validity to these claims, I have already began the action and necessary steps of each of the mentioned things, so what's left is for me to maintain momentum, and receive Grace, lots...and lots....and lots of Grace. And extend more of it to those around me.

Cos, what I'm discovering, is that a life founded on Truth and filled with Grace, creates Peace, and this is the kind of abundant life that makes a soul just shine.

In Grace,

**Oh, and we're moving in two months.  No idea where...I mean...'where' in regards to central Austin (we love this place!), but we need a door to shut so Danforth can have his space and we ours. (You try singing your soul sounds or having a social life when a baby is getting his "handsome"sleep!) The studio-view-of-the-city-skyline-life was incredible, but its time has come to a close.  I'd say the timing couldn't be more appropriate, eh?

***pps.  We took an over 4000 mile road trip to MI for 4 weeks. Corey worked remotely and we had an abundance of family time.  It was special, restful (for me at least!), and smooth.  Highlights (apart from wonderfully diverse family & friends) included; sleeping open air under a meteor shower, visiting all 3 of the greatest fresh water lakes in the world, touring central US cities we'd never usually give the time of day (and seeing their charm), rugged & retro hotels, traveling arguments & their conclusions to challenge us to grow stronger, sailing once again upon ole' Zephyrus, and in general, the rugged Michigan landscapes that no place in the world can match. I suppose observations should come at some point on another blog rather than in the context of a pps endnote.  Either way, it was beautiful, it was familiar, and it was home.
