Integration into Creative Space & Process

This barn, piano, and I have begun the start of a long, and wonderfully complicated relationship.  There will be loud sounds, tears, joy, color, motion, ecstasy, anger, passion, love, and on and on.  The diverse spectrums that color a proper relationship.

You see, this summer isn't just about a lifestyle in the woods and time with family, it's also about finding my voice.  (And I don't just mean singing). And this dusty haven filled with forgotten treasures, shall be my sacred place where I will be showing up to do the work.

And speaking about showing up, sometimes that's the hardest part isn't it? 

Heres a brief look at some ways I've found to be helpful in integrating into creative space and process...

So, here you are, in the middle of a normal chaotic day. Maybe it's been hours of children pulling for your full attention, the monotonous "laundry list" of things pulsating inside your brain, relationships to keep track of, whatever....and then, with much gratitude, you get this little bit of allotted time for yourself.

So, now what, just walk in, grab your materials and go?

I know I sure can't.

Wanna know why?  My brain.  This lovely chaotic brain, is full of Beta waves which are task orientated, outward focused, and fast moving. 

Integral to functioning in everyday life and motherhood?  .... Yes!

Conducive to introspection and the creative process? .... Absolutely not!

How about that Alpha brain mode, the one you're in when you're resting, dreaming, and relaxed.  The ideal place for lingering and discovery.  Doesn't that sound a bit better?

So, how to switch modes on demand?

Here's a few things that have been helpful to me:

An enclosed space = having the physical space feel secure and free from interruptions is vital to entering into that place where your soul will inevitably become exposed in the most raw and unpredictable ways.  Doors with locks are wonderful paths to this peace of mind.

--By the way, no excuses just cos the space isn't ideal.  I once had a phenomenal creative session in the midst of packing up our whole house, enclosed in a tiny 2 by 2 foot space between boxes.  The security of that uninterrupted little space is what matters the most.  Elaborate studios (or barns) are gifts to cherish for sure, but not to be the expectation in order to create.  It all comes back to intention. 

Physical set up = just getting the basic materials out and around.  Not everything needs to be in place, but making sure things acessable.

Leaving things at the door = To begin to help transition from Beta to Alpha brain mode, I've started a practice, of taking "inventory" of what's happening emotionally in me or other things I'm carrying in my head.  Write the essence or keywords of each thing on it's own scrap of paper, fold it and place it somewhere, maybe a pottery bowl or something aesthetically pleasing. This act helps my mind follow the motion of putting each of these distinct thoughts down for a bit. I know they are not neglected, they're still with me in some sense, but having them contained sees to it that they aren't allowed to take up real estate in my head space for the next hour or so.  Exception for those thoughts that are invited into the current work in progress of course.

Scent = I'm no essential oil fanatic, but there are times and places I find them to be extremely helpful.  I have one particular oil I use called "purification". [It was a random
"pass along" from someone and I'm not even sure what's in it.  I do like that it's bright and light, which usually feels good to me in the midst of heavy feelings or cluttery thoughts of the day].   I take a deep breath of it and rub on any tension spots in my body.  Its the only time I use it, so my brain begins to respond to this scent and be like, "ahh, there's our signal, it's time to switch gears and settle in!"

(I know, lame narrating my brain's thoughts.)

Pause = Taking a moment to be still, take in the space and the time.  This is a really good time to let go of the "need to produce a product" and surrender this time to the "mess of the process" ahead.  Maybe distinguishing one feasible goal for the time ahead, but nothing that is out of reach.  A place to measure progress from, without putting yourself up to a challenge.  This helps you, on the return end, to see you did in fact get somewhere, cos those disheartening after thoughts on the other end will try to say otherwise.  But it also sets the bar low enough that you get to surprise yourself with doing more than you set out to do! 


Speaking of the "other end".  I'd like to write up another blog soon on some ways I've found to be helpful to transition back into Beta "real world" mode.  Cos I've definitely neglected that transitional time, and ended up feeling really annoyed with everyone.  Kinda like when you get woken up from a deep sleep by a wiggly toddler who wants to play with your face.  Yeah, not quite in bliss land anymore, eh?

Would love to hear your rituals on how you integrate into your space and process!  Thanks for taking the time to hear a few of mine!

<3 M


Deb Heinzelman said…
Awwww.... to surrender to nature and all of the Great Being. What experiences will lay ahead, Meg? Keep writing, sweetie. Keep sharing. I'm right beside you, soaking up your moments. In anticipation of your path.
Afan said…
I agree, love, love, love!