Head to the Heart [Vlog]

This THIRD Vlog is a reflection and a response on some hard truths I’ve had to walk through this summer. We all do it in some form or another. We begin with big dreams, make grand lists of unspoken expectations, and then courageously set off to make it happen. But then, we encounter our human limitations and circumstantial barriers. We struggle feeling like a failure, our inner critic makes sure of that. This is an ongoing journey for me, and probably will be till the very end of my days. But here’s another layer of learning how to surrender “my ideals”, and the song that helped me realize “more than words, more than good ideas…” what vital part was missing in my process. Thank you, United Pursuit, for your “more than words” example of community, and your beautifully honest music that has spoken directly to my heart again, and again, and again. *background instrumental music spontaneously recorded by yours truly ;)

CLICK HERE for youtube link

