Adulthood: Chapter 2

 Hello again good ole blogger page!

Since my last stream of several embarrassing posts on this page, we've had quite an adventure.  We moved back to Austin, TX bought an eccentric fixer upper, I recorded my debut album ANAGEM, Corey landed a job in in tech, I worked part time at a community music studio/church, and between our long summers spent in MI, and the spring-break trip during covid that turned into a 6 month stay in Michigan (which included sailing a few weeks with the kids!)-- it solidified we were officially ready to return to the homeland. We sold our Austin house, bought a Marquette home are officially settled. Settled here for what looks like life.  

Last year I launched a website that attempts to tie all the loose strings of the my internet trails into one messy bow. You can dive into the chronicles here if interested:

All that to say, with all this settledness we're now entering into "Adulthood, Chapter 2."

The one where we have an adult home, career development, hobbies, homeschool groups, extracurricular groups, & trips to see extended family.  It's surreal how adult we are, we feel like such imposters sometimes.

Anyhow, on the horizon is some travel beyond the states at last!  We have the honor of attending Corey's cousins wedding in New Zealand, and will be spending 6 weeks down under!

So far, we've only secured plans for the first week (including the wedding), and beyond that, we're returning to our "travel roots" of having not much an idea what the details of the other 5 weeks of our trip will hold.  All we know is we'll have a vehicle, split some time between the South and North Islands, and take in as much beauty as humanly possible. 

We're excited to see the open road under our feet for the first time in way too long, and spend an extended time immersed in a place very far from home.  And to share this experience of the open road and a world away with our children.

Stay posted!

