Milford Sound - Epic Beyond Expectations

There’s a reason this place gets talked up.  

It’s astounding.

A definite top wonder of the world.  

Pasturelands edged by mountains lead drivers into to thick woods. 
Semblance of US West Coast dense forests, 

trees arching over the road.  

We stop for a short hike up the Routeburn Track. 

We find a forest of glowing green, 

draped by hanging moss, 

millions of water droplets,

growth on every surface. 

Trickling streams pour down mountainside, 
sights of mountains tipped in clouds. 

Morning drizzle finally subsides, 

sun beams illuminate massive ferns, 

cold feet finally thaw. 

We pass friendly groups of backpackers and hikers; 

some even running up the trail.  

Knowing that long summit hikes aren’t for us at this point in time, 

we turn back. 

Driving along, 

we take a few stops along the way, 

mountains increasingly more stunning. 

Taking a tunnel through a towering wall of rock, 

eerie amazement, 

and more gasps of awe as we come through. 

Camera clicking, 

exclamations build and build.  

We are truly in a wonder of wonders, 

in this tiny corner of the world. 

Trickling streams and waterfalls recklessly tumble down vertical faces. 

Misty clouds drifting upon tree tops, 

dense green growth. 

Rivers crashing through boulders, 

dreamy blue and clear waters. 

Marvels for a lifetime to be sure. 

The boat ride increases our awe. 

Mesmerized by green growth on vertical rock faces, 

waterfalls cascading down, 

their drifting waters seemingly suspended, 

rainbows in their misty haze. 

Every nook and cranny, 

jagged mound and bay, 

infinitely spectacular, 

grins on every face. 

At the bow, 

encountering unexpected bathing seals, 

sea birds flying free, 

and peering ahead to waves crashing heavily upon rock and open seas. 

The joys of giant ocean swells rocking the boat. 

The grand finale is a waterfall nose plunge.  

A select few remain on the bow, 

to hoot and holler and laugh with delight,

as we get totally and utterly drenched. 

I could cry with delight, 

so I do.

It’s eternally perfect, 

a picture of God’s unhindered creativity, 

and utter majesty. 

Humans just love to be dwarfed by reckless beauty, 

drenched by its spray.  

Air drying in the breeze, 
splashes add to our joy.  
Camaraderie by shared experience with those on the boat, 
we leave this place amazed and utterly filled. 

Driving into more amazement, 
the golden hour on the peaks,  
and crescent moon above mountain silhouettes... 

...and into dark rainy roads,
towards another mystery,
on the open road.



Afan said…
Fantastic writing style!
Love it,
Gorgeous poetry-like descriptions of your Milfred Sound adventures, Meg.Just love your exhuberant family photo in the boat! Love, Joyce
Unknown said…
Glorious!!! U must be overflowing. Awww love you all!!